Articles in English8. juli 2021Norway pledges $1,16 “fresh” billions to replace fossil fuels in developing countriesThe new Norwegian initiative should allow project sponsors and investors to access investment capital which is “cheaper” than otherwise available in the market.
Articles in English11. september 2017Opening new frontiers in green financeWhat do Islamic investors and EU bureaucrats have in common? Both have entered the green bond market this summer.
Debatt3. april 2017The “coal-free” 2°C scenario: Within reach, and cheaper than told by IEAScrapping of planned coal power and accelerated investment in wind and solar are essential if we are to reach the Paris climate goals. The good news: It can be done significantly cheaper than IEA estimates.
Articles in English7. november 2016As the Paris Agreement enters into force, momentum in the great energy system change continues to outpace setbacksState of The Transition, October 2016.
Articles in English22. august 2016Might the fossil fuel industries implode faster than the clean energy industries can grow to replace them?State of The Transition, July 2016.